You’re in good company. I was in your shoes just a short time ago. I couldn’t get enough of the books, thought the idea of a discount for my family would be worth it and didn’t mind the idea of making a little extra income in the process. Little did I know, this opportunity turned out to be a game-changer for my family! Learn more about my Usborne Books & More success story.
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Hi, thanks for stopping by!! Soooo…. you’re interested in joining Usborne Books & More, right?! *SO* exciting! Since you’re here, I figure I should introduce myself! I’m Becky Launder, a Senior Team Leader and Educational Consultant with Usborne Books & More. I’m based in San Diego, California and love that I have a growing team across the country! My family and I fell in love with Usborne books almost two years ago and it’s been a whirlwind of an adventure!
A little about me… My professional background is Marketing Strategy, Leadership Training and Operational Management. I was invited to a faceBOOK party and was intrigued by the whole concept. I decided these books were SO great that I needed a permanent discount for my family so I purchased the Starter Kit. A few short months later, I was *LOVING* every minute of my book business and having a few online parties each week. I quickly promoted to Team Leader and have built an amazing team that is on this book-loving adventure with me. After 11 years at my desk job, I took the plunge to go “all-in” with Usborne Books & More. I love that I have ultimate flexibility in my schedule so my family stays my #1 priority, I can be creative with how I approach my business and I can help others be successful and meet their goals!
Since I basically “grew up” working in the leadership and training industry, I also recently launched www.myconsultanttraining.com, an online training site for Usborne Books & More consultants to get high-quality training on systems, processes, best practices and creative ways to grow their book biz. In addition to tons of training topics, I also offer a semi-annual “BOOK-CAMP” for my team and other eager consultants.
In addition to my book biz, I have a few consulting clients. I love being a mommy to two active toddlers – Cody (4) and Makenzie (6). My husband, Jeremy, entertains all my wild entrepreneurial ideas and is so supportive of my book biz. Our next goal is to retire him from his engineering job! We love weekend adventures with our little ones, trying out new restaurants and a good beer.

Q: What do I need to do to get started?
Q: What’s the catch? Do I need to spend a certain amount each month?
Q: How much time do you spend on your business?
Q: I'm not good at sales. Is there training?
Q: How do I learn more?
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